2017年5月2日 星期二

[The Passive] Form of the passive

simple present
The teacher helps me.
I am helped by the teacher.
simple present
After class, one of the students always erases the board.
After class, the board is always erased by one of the sutdents.
simple present
Helicopters fascinate children.
Children are fascinated by helicopters.
present progressive
Tom is opening the door.
The door is being opened by Tom.
present perfect
The teacher has helped joe.
Joe has been helped by the teacher.
present perfect
The teacher has helped us.
We have been helped by the teacher.
simple past
The teacher helped me.
I was helped by the teacher.
simple past
The teacher helped them.
They were helped by the teacher.
simple past
I didn't write that note. Did Jim write it?
That note wasn't written by me. Was it written by Jim?
past progressive
Many was helping the boy.
The boy was being helped by Many.
past perfect
Many had helped the boy.
The boy had been helped by Many.
simple future
Toshi will invite Yoko to the party.
Yoko will be invited to the party by Toshi.
be going to
The teacher is going to help Tim.
Tim is going to be helped by the teacher.
future perfect
Tom will have opened the door.
The door will have been opened by Tom.
simple present
Sometimes my inability to understand spoken English frustrates me.
Sometimes I am frustrated by my inability to understand spoken English.

Did the news surprise you?
Were you surprised by the news?

Does Prof. Shapiro teach that course? No, he doesn't teach it.
Is that course taught by prof. shapiro? No, it isn't taught by him.

Will the news shock Pat?
Will Pat be shocked by the news ?

Did Ryan sign it?
Was it signed by Ryan ?

Has Jim signed it yet?
Has it been signed by Jim yet?

