2017年5月2日 星期二

[The Passive] Using the by phrase

When did someone invent the first computer? (someone = unnecessary)
When was the first computer invented?

People sell hammers at a hardware store. People use them to pound nails.
Hammers are sold at a hardware store. They are used to pound nails.

Has anyone ever hypnotized you?
Have you ever been hypnotized?

Someone has changed the name of this stree from Bay Avenue to Martin Luther King Way.
The name of this stree has been changed from Bay Avenue to Martin Luther King Way.
Chapts 1~4
Page 284
Our mail is delivered before noon every day.
A bad accident happened on Highway 95 last night.
A new house will be built next to ours next year.
A: Where are you going to go to school next year?
B: I have been accepted by Shoreline Community College.
A: When was your bkie stolen?
B: Two days ago.
A: Have you paid your electric bill yet?
B: No, I haven't, but I'd better pay it today. If I don't, my electricity will be shut off by the power company.
A: Did you hear about the accident?
B: No. What happened?
A: A bicyclist was hit by a taxi in front of the dorm.
B: Was the bicyclist injyred?
A: Yes. Someone called an ambulance. The bicyclist was taken to City Hospital and was treat in the embergency ward for cuts and bruises.
B: What happened to the taxi driver?
A: He was arrested for reckless driving.d
B: He's lucky that the bicyclist wasn't killed.

